I like to say that all of my patients are my favorite patients! These pictures are from one of my favorites, a sweet lady lets me lie at the foot of her bed. She says I remind her of all the pets she's had in her life. That's a tall order for a little poodle like me, but I do my best!
Sometimes we sit in her rocking chair and she will tell me about her dogs. She misses them a lot. I bet she was a wonderful dog-mama in her day -- she's good to me! It's fun to doze in the rocker while she pets me.

I hope it's still ladylike to get a belly rub while in a dress...?
I went to the salon shortly after these pictures were taken and got a haircut. You should see the poof on my tail! It's fabulous! I'll have to get my secretary to post some pictures of my new 'do soon.
More patients to see! Bark atcha again soon!