Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Working Girl

Hi there! I’m Bea, a pet therapy dog at Burke Hospice & Palliative Care in Valdese, North Carolina. I've decided to write this blog to spread the word about my work helping hospice patients and their families. A girl can only bark over the fence for so long!

I’ve been working at Burke Hospice for 28 years (4 human years). They take good care of us employees. I get the usual benefits package, like regular baths and the occasional bite of someone's breakfast biscuit. I have full run of the building, so I can occasionally stop by Medical Records and see my "mom," Aleta. I don't usually stay anywhere for very long, though; I have too many people to see.

I visit every day with the patients in the Hospice House. I make rounds, just like the doctor. Some people are excited for me to come in; others might not feel like a visit. If a person needs space, it doesn't stop my tail from wagging—I just head to the next room.

Our Hospice House residents want to do different things. One lady just wanted to pet me. Another man wanted me to sit on his bed. I had lap time and he had nap time! I get naps, too—one of my favorite ladies used to sit in the rocking chair in her room, and I would hop up in the bay window next to her. We would nap in the sun, one of my favorite things to do! As you can see, I am a very busy girl.

Make sure to mention my blog to your friends via Facebook and Twitter, up there on the right. You can also email my posts to pals by clicking the little envelope at the end of each post.

I look forward to seeing you here again!